Home Water Filtration for Pflugerville, TX

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About Pflugerville Water Quality

Most Pflugervillians get their water from the main city utility, but there are a few blocks along the city periphery which may be drawing water from other suppliers, such as Manville, or a Kelly Lane WCID.

Pflugerville homeowners: Click here to book a free water test.

For most people in Pflugerville, your water is coming from a mix of well water and surface water sources. Lake Pflugerville on the east side of town is the most visible source. This is a man-made impoundment filled with water piped 16-miles from the Colorado River, and which has been stocked with over 700,000 fish since 2006. If you worry about how the water you’re drinking recently came into close contact with triploid grass carp or Florida largemouth bass, the 2014 Pflugerville Utility Department water quality report has declared the water safe. The same document also states “all drinking water may contain contaminants” and that “presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate a health risk.” According to the water quality report, small amounts of synthetic pesticides such as Chlordane and Toxaphene have been detected.

We Service Pflugerville, TX

If you need water filtration service, click here to book a free water test, we want to help you ensure the quality of your water.

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